one stop currency solutions


Mission Statement

To be the leading and centre of influence remittance and money exchange in local area , delivering good customer service through the blending of state-of-the-art technology and visionary management in partnership with competent and committed staff, to achieve sound financial health with sustainable value addition to all our stakeholders. We are committed to do this mission while ensuring the highest levels of ethical standards, professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance.

Core Values and Ethical Principles:

Our core values tell us, our customers is the one who pay our salary and expense monthly. The principles by which we pledge to conduct business. In essence, we believe that success can only be achieved by living our core values and principles:

  • Customer Focus: Our focus is to provide good customer service. Customers are our first priority and driving force. We wish to gain customer confidence and be their trusted partner.
  • Quality: We believe a quality service experience is a paramount to our customers and we are strongly committed in fulfilling this ideal.
  • Honesty and Integrity: We ensure the highest level of integrity to our customers, creating an ongoing relationship of trust and confidence. We treat our customers with honesty, fairness and respect.
  • Belief in our people: We recognize that employees are our most valuable asset and our competitive strength. We respect the worth and dignity of individual employees who devote their careers for the progress of the company.
  • Teamwork: We are a firm believer in team work and feel that loyal and motivated teams can produce extraordinary results. We are drive by a performance culture where recognition and rewards are based on individual merit and demonstrated track record.
  • Good Corporate Governance: Effective Corporate Governance procedures are essential to achieve and maintain public trust and confidence in any company, we are committed in following best practices resulting in good corporate governance.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Provide the internship training to the youngest to understand the nature of business and education framework for AML/CFT compliance environment. Through the training transform and guide the internship understand and familiar the requirement by Money Service Business Act 2010 (MSB).